Here are the weeks sales and promotions from Zazzle where you can create personalized gifts and cards with a variety of options and brand character to chose from! Want cute? Check out their collection of Big Hero 6. Shop Big Hero 6 products on

Here are several of the other promotions going on right now from Zazzle.
40% off iPhone 6 Pop up shop - Use Code: IPHONE6POPUP - Expires: 10/31/2014
Seriously?! There are some adorably awesome iPhone 6 cases right now and 40% off! Don't forget to use the code IPHONE6POPUP

15% off Wine Charms - Use Code: WINECHARMFUN - Expires: 12/01/2014
Personally I am loving the Van Gogh "Starry Night" Wine Charms, if that's not to your liking they have a ton of Monogram templates to chose from or you can create your own. With the choices available you can have enough charms to satisfy any hostess/host. Use PROMO CODE WINECHARMFUN for 15% off

15% off Calendars - Use Code: CALENDAR2015 - Expires: 12/31/2014
With 3 size options ranging from Small(7"x11") to Huge (14 ½"x22) and customization options like, wire-o binding in 7 colors, 13 styles for dates and holidays, and optional start and end dates, there is no reason to settle for a sub-par run of the mill calendar. I love the Space 2015 calandar, but don't worry there are a ton to chose from and customize or you can create your own with family photos, your fur babies, or what ever floats your boat. AND now they're 15% off! Don't forget to use PROMO CODE: CALENDAR2015.
15% off Coasters - Use code: SAVEURTABLES - Expires: 12/31/2014
Zazzel has coasted made from paper, stone, cork, wood, sandstone, puzzle, and tile in monograms galore, vintage images, grumpy cat, create your own. They can be square or round, Ranging from reusable to disposable. The sky is the limit and now at 15% off you can get what you want a cheaper price. Use PROMO CODE SAVEURTABLES

15% off Business Cards - Use Code: PROFESSIONAL - Expires: 12/31/2014
In a world where anyone can have business cards with the click of a mouse and enough ink, Zazzel stands above the game with Modern, professional, custom cards. Their design program makes it super easy to make what you want with templates for every category imaginable! Use PROMO CODE PROFESSIONAL to get 15% off.
20% off Watches & Clocks - Use Code: WATCHINGTIME - Expires: 12/01/2014
With the variety of choices available and the create your own Zazzel makes it tough to chose. In catagories from Kids, Women and Men, a variety of band, face, and hand options it's absolutely endless. Use PROMO CODE WATCHINGTIME for 20% off

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