
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blast the Fat. Jump Rope

No longer will I connect jumping rope to sweet lisping Cindy Brady. I received this awesome jump rope during our snow storm of the year, none the less I gave it a good go in my living room. I have to hand it Naturalico, this is the king of jump ropes. With the ball bearings in had only to flick my wrists and this well weighted rope took off. By the time I had made twenty rotations in was in a dead sweat and my heart rate was up. I was able to adjust the length of the rope to fit my shorter than average height perfectly with the adjustable handles.
I would recommend this to anyone wanting to get in small burgs of exercise with little equipment. I would consider it great for bringing your heart rate up and beginning an exercise routine. I wound
T compare it to the more weighted versions used for boxing training or speeded foot work. With it being ten feet long I would consider buying a second one and teaching my girls to Double Dutch.
I consider this to be one of my more exciting items I've done for review. Absolutely loved it, but after throwing my back out will be leaving the majority of jump roping to my girls.


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